Location: The Evolution Of How It Became A Vital 4th Dimension for a CMO

A CMO’s responsibility has been to merge three dimensions, her brand, its customers and the technology to add value to its customers.These heads of marketing have had to continually struggle with changes in the marketplace in an effort to maintain this value. She has been confronted with maintaining brand control throughout her country across its many geographies, demographics and economies. And in many cases her brand extends internationally further complicated this brand control need.Of course her customers are ever fluid, growing up and reacting to forces outside of her control. These forces cause her to many times go back to step one and rethink her decisions, strategies and tactics to stay on point with her customers.When you add in the daily introductions into the technology space, it demands new skills of this marketer to regularly consider and evaluate them and protect, if not claim, new land in advance of her competition.In the digital space we have seen this play out so clearly in hindsight. The introduction of search engines into the customer’s journey added new demands on the CMO. SEO became critical to her brand.Next the search engines went from a universal approach to localizing their value to the searchers and now the head of marketing needed to consider her presence on a local basis throughout her geography.GPS and smartphones untethered her customers and gave the journey a new dimension by allowing them to be virtually anywhere in their interaction with the CMO’s brand. Now the context of where her customers were could be used if not forced upon her.Introduce now ad tech and mar tech to the mix and the CMO can combine the previous advances to surgically target her customers, their needs and wants at nearly every point in their journey. This creates a new level of value to them they haven’t seen before.The CMO now has the challenge, and advantage her predecessors never had of adding a fourth dimension to her customer value goal:


Merging location with her brand, her customer and new technology will set her up to add significant value to her customers throughout their life as a customer of the brand.


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