Counting Your Mistakes

Yesterday a colleague and I had discussions about business issues currently challenging us.And it reminded me of one of my foundations for how I approach business and personal life.While I know a popular self-help, professional development approach is to always look for the wins and not worry about the losses, I personally believe that when you look back on a day or week or month it's more important to look at your mistakes.I believe it's important to define and measure yourself against short and long-term goals, mind you. However I think you should combine that with a look at your mistakes.I like to look back on a day or week or even an entire project and determine how many bad decisions and mistakes I made. The fewer the better.I feel that one of the ways to win is to make the least mistakes possible.Maybe it's me but when I can reduce my mistakes or even eliminate them I find that I'm firing on all cylinders and truly knocking it out of the park.What do you overachievers think of this attitude?


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