Tim Moore Interview
Tim Moore from Maximum joined me for an interview.
Your Background
Mark Regan: Tell me a little about your background and how you came into your current role as Social Media Director at Maximum Design.
Tim Moore: Digital Biography: http://TimMoore.tumblr.com/about and Digital Business Architect at Maximum (http://maximumrocks.com) Erupts 4.22.11
Mark Regan: With the constant arrival of emerging techniques, products and companies, how do you decide which ones are worth testing out for your clients?
Tim Moore: Easy, for production advertising, established channels with large demographic base that meets client needs and has an ad platform that is trackable. For emerging platforms, most need maturing before you would use client ad spend on them. We have to report monthly ROI, so efficient and strategic A/B testing is critical, before a recommendation is proposed. We are not in the hype business, we are in the conversion business.
Mark Regan: Do you approach developing a personal brand differently than you do a corporate brand?
Tim Moore: Yes, completely. Also, each brand will have different goals, expectations and definitions of 'success', so listen, listen, listen, before talking.
Mark Regan: How has your experience in the business world helped you master your own personal brand marketing?
Tim Moore: I haven't mastered it, I am learning everyday. The more I listen, the more I learn. I don't see that changing.
Mark Regan: Bonus: What is your favorite online marketing/social media toy of the day?
Tim Moore: Hitpad (new release - http://hitpad.com) and Poweri (new startup - dropping 5.1.11)
Mark Regan: Thanks Tim! How can people find out more about you and connect with you?
Tim Moore: Twitter: @TimMoore; Facebook: /TimMoore; Email: TimMoore (at) Facebook (dot) com; Tumblr: http://TimMoore.tumblr.com