‘Tis the Season of Giving…
As I’ve often said, the Internet is an amazing place. Not only has it created so many more efficiencies for us as a society, but it’s helping to build bridges to less fortunate individuals and places. It’s especially nice to see evidence of this during the holiday season, of course, but it’s astounding to see the way it’s growing in leaps and bounds, no matter the time of year.
A recent article in Forbes profiled the portals that are making it easier for businesses big and small to donate to the cause of their choice. Traditionally, causes have been so fragmented, and sometimes there are so many, it can feel overwhelming and a little time-intensive to figure out what you want to give to whom. Sites nowadays are acting as an easy to use portal, while still giving the option for people to donate to a specific cause they’re interested in.
Take DonorsChoose.org as an example. It’s specifically a site built around the concept that teachers need specific things to help enrich and lives and minds of their students. They can list what it is they need, and donors will specifically pick the case they’re interested in helping. It’s these kind of connections that can help make the donation more personal rather than just writing a check.
Of course, if writing a check is your thing there are always options in that regard. NetworkForGood.org provides numerous options to either donate or volunteer. If you’re a conscious consumer wondering what companies have done for the environment lately, check out OnePercentforthePlanet.org. This handy site is comprised of businesses from mom-and-pops to Sony that have pledged to donate 1% of their yearly profits to eco-conscious charities. (They have a pretty nifty auction system going too…if you’d like a one-on-one surf lesson with the founder of Patagonia clothing, you’d do well to check out some of their other items!)
In the spirit of holiday giving, it’s nice to know that as the technology times keep evolving, so can the good of mankind the world over.
Happy holidays!